
How peak Performance FEELS

Is there a difference between delivering great work and peak performance? Athletes talk about the peak performance ‘flow’ state, a sense of effortless excellence and a calm thrill. Does that translate into the business world? My recent experience writing my second book sheds light on how peak performance really feels. The first book Last year

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The BIG Steps

big step, procrastination

Recently I’ve been procrastinating on a project of a bigger scale than I have done before. It was the sneaky kind of procrastination, below the radar, where I didn’t notice I was putting things off until the task became urgent. Then it was so clear, and my internal alarm bells rang. Time to fix it.

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Are You Avoiding Promotion?

promotion, success, complete success, Tara Halliday, Impostor Syndrome, failure, stress, anxiety, confidence

Have you been offered a promotion and turned it down? Or not applied for promotions available? There can be many reasons why you don’t want a more senior role. These can include hours or travel that clash with your family-time values, a move to another location, or perhaps losing the camaraderie of the team when

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Stay Young in Business and Life

Cutting-edge medical developments are exciting and starting to hold out promises of extension to lifespan and health. Gene therapy, adult stem cells, epigenetics, swarms of miniature robots coursing through the bloodstream targeting infections and cancer alike are just some of the wonders being developed. Sounds amazing, and if you think it sounds like science fiction,

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Cause of Imposter Syndrome

Tara Halliday

Imposter Syndrome: where high-achieving individuals are marked by an inability to internalise their accomplishments and a persistent fear of being exposed as a “fraud.”  Imposter Syndrome was first identified in the late 1970’s as an experience that affects over 70% of highly successful people at some point in their lives. It’s characterised by feeling like

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AIs and Humans Now Think Alike

Tara Halliday

Artificial Intelligence (AI) research has grabbed the headlines in October 2017, as the Google AI Division, DeepMind, unveiled an AI computer that learns as humans do. The AI called ‘AlphaGo Zero’ has mastered the ancient Chinese war strategy game of ‘Go’. AI’s beating the human Grand Masters in chess and Go is already old hat,

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