About Tara Halliday
What I want for you
If you’re like my other clients, you’re a C-suite executive or soon to be one.
A high achiever.
You know that you’re competent and capable, able to tackle big challenges and win.
But there are good challenges and bad ones.
You want the good challenges. The ones that test and stretch you. The ones that are a thrill when you lean in and hit those big goals.
And a bad challenge, like imposter syndrome, adds nothing to your life. Instead, it will hold you back, drag you down and burn you out.
To enjoy the good challenges, you want to get rid of the bad ones.
You want to eliminate imposter syndrome so that you’re free to soar.
Then you have the exhilaration of huge success, making an impact and being a great leader. Just like you always wanted.
I want that for you too.
Everything changes when you realise that imposter syndrome is not a character trait.
It’s not you!
You shouldn’t have to ‘just live with it’, success doesn’t have to be so hard. I have a clear, proven solution to the problem of imposter syndrome.
You shouldn’t have to always push through the anxiety, doubt and stress. I’m here to guide you in the systematic process to eliminate imposter syndrome for good.
You should be free to relish a good challenge and enjoy the warm glow of success. I’m here to help you finally feel good enough, free from imposter syndrome.
And that’s not all.
When you’re free from imposter syndrome at last, the benefits spread out in a ripple effect. The positive impact is felt by your work colleagues, family and friends.
Everybody wins.

Tara Halliday
I am an imposter syndrome specialist, creator of Inner Success; a one-to-one training and coaching programme that eliminates imposter syndrome in just 8 weeks.
I have a Diploma in Holistic Therapy, Worth Coaching Certification, Neurofeedback Trainer Accreditation and a PhD in engineering (long story!)
About Inner Success
Inner Success gets amazingly good results (100%) in eliminating imposter syndrome for C-level execs.
It doesn’t surprise me because it has an excellent pedigree.
It all started in the 1950s when Dr Carl Rogers (grandfather of personal psychology) studied thousands of client cases and found the major cause of human unhappiness is a belief in our conditional worth.
In those days, the brain was thought to be fixed in neuron numbers and unable to change.
In the 1990s, neuroscience showed we have neuroplasticity – the ability to grow new neurons and to change beliefs.
Dr Greg Baer worked with thousands of clients and formulated a framework for changing the belief in our conditional worth.
It got life-changing results, and I was certified in this work.
I heard about imposter syndrome and my lightbulb moment was that it was all caused by the belief in conditional worth.
As a good researcher, I did a literature survey of the academic research on imposter syndrome. I learned about imposter syndrome in-depth and the research confirmed my idea.
I reviewed hundreds of my cases as a holistic therapist since 2000, and the imposter syndrome pattern emerged.
I’ve interviewed over 650 C-level execs 1:1 about their imposter syndrome.
Then I met Dr James Hardt and he certified me as a neurofeedback trainer. One technique he used for freeing the brain from old, disturbing memories got incredible results, tried and tested on thousands of clients.
He used it to improve alpha brainwaves, I saw its potential for eliminating conditional worth.
I then dived into neuroscience research to find out why all the work from both teachers worked.
I threw out steps that had no research proof, and kept everything that had proof, and added a few bits too.
I focused only on imposter syndrome and created a structured belief change process that mirrors the way that the brain creates beliefs (as the research found).
I called this 1:1 programme Inner Success.
And this is how Inner Success gets such powerful, transformative and repeatable results. Eliminating imposter syndrome at the source.
Because I am standing on the shoulder of giants.
Tens of thousands of hours of testing and research behind them.
I’m delighted but I’m not at all surprised!
Tara Halliday PhD